Chaired by: Jillian Kean, McInnes Cooper and Chantal Thibodeau Q.C., Stewart McKelvey
Cost: CDL Members $258.75; Non-Members $339.25 Insurance Professionals $172.50
Date: Thursday May 10, 2018
Length: Half Day - Afternoon
Where: Hampton Inn & Suites, 700 Mapleton Road, Moncton
CPD Credits: approx 3 hours Substantive
Online registration preferred.
Mail-in Registration Form for Defensible Positions
To pay by Cheque, print this page, fill in this form, include cheque payable to Canadian Defence Lawyers and mail to 3425-130 Adelaide St. W, Toronto ON M5H 3P5
Email maryellen@cdlawers to ensure your registation is secured before mailing.
Name _________________________________________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________________________________
Phone_____________________________ Email______________________________________________________
_____ Cheque enclosed, payable to Canadian Defence Lawyers
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