The CDL Foundation was established in 2015 in honour of the 20th Anniversary of Canadian Defence Lawyers.
Managed by a volunteer Board of Directors, the Foundation promotes interest in civil defence litigation as a preferred field of practice and encourages academic excellence. The Foundation presents an annual essay prize of $5,000 to a deserving law school student in Canada. Articling students are eligible.
The 2023 essay topic is: A paper relevant to the defence of civil litigation in Canada.
Applications for the 2023 essay prize are now available - click here. Submissions are accepted throughout the year.
The prize will be awarded in June 2023.
The Foundation relies on the contributions of interested parties to support its mandate. Click here to DONATE.
CDL Foundation Board of Directors
Janet Clark, Stewart McKelvey
Susan Gunter, Dutton Brock
Mouna Hanna, Whitelaw Twining
Richard B. Lindsay, K.C.
Dan Reisler, Aviva Trial Lawyers
manage a Canadian Law Student Essay Prize. This essay prize, awarded annually, is open to any student currently enrolled in the Faculty of Law of any university in Canada. The goal of this prize is to promote interest in civil defence litigation as a preferred field of practice and to encourage academic excellence.